Termite Inspector Willimantic CT


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Termite Inspector Servicing Willimantic

Termite Inspector Willimantic CT LicensedCalling a termite inspector or specialist to conduct an annual inspection on your Willimantic CT home can help protect your peace of mind. Pests like termites, ants, and wood-boring beetles feed on the wood in your home, causing both structural and cosmetic damage.

Favorable Conditions for termite infestations of subterranean termites in CT become most numerous in moist, warm soil that contains an abundant food supply in the form of wood or other cellulose material.

Such conditions are often found in poorly ventilated crawlspaces beneath buildings, and where scraps of lumber, form boards, stumps or roots are left in the soil. Most termite infestation in buildings occur because wood is in close or actual contact with the ground, as is often the case with porches, trellises, or steps.

In addition, cracks or voids in foundations and concrete floors, make it easy for termites to reach wood that is not in contact with the soil. Termites can enter through cracks as small as 1/32 of an inch, roughly the width of a piece of paper.

Our professional termite inspectors provide inspections in the Willimantic area for the presence of:

  • Termites
  • Wood-boring beetles
  • Powderpost beetles
  • Carpenter ants
  • Carpenter bees

If termites, carpetner ants or other wood-destroying insects are found in your home, it’s important to address the infestation immediately. Our termite control experts are equipped to provide both preventative and corrective wood-destroying insect treatments to help you protect your home.

When a Termite Inspector should be contacted to conduct an inspection on your Willimantic property?

Usually properties that have been in existence for more than 1 year are checked for active termites and wood boring pests as a contingency in a real estate transaction

The termite inspector notes any signs of infestation or conditions that are favorable to infestation. We are approved to provide inspection reports for FHA, VA and conventional mortgages and refinances, offering complete documentation for real estate transactions

Our CT licensed termite inspectors conduct a thorough check of your property and provide quick turnaround for your inspection report along with complete documentation needed for your real estate transaction.Licensed Termite Inspector Willimantic CT

Our licensed termite inspectors conduct thorough checks of your Willimantic property and provide quick turnaround for your termite inspection report.

Whether you are a Willimantic Realtor, homeowner, future homeowner or lender, you are invited to call us to set up your appointment.

Call us today to have a certified termite inspector provide you with your wood-destroying insect report.
